Friday, August 5, 2011

Field Trip

Sarah, a student of West crest State High School was on a field trip at the city learning about how vandalism effects people, was expecting to have a boring day. Miss Collins her teacher for the day out was a type of lady who likes to explain everything in every detail possible, so Sarah kept at it on trying to fix the very expensive necklace that her grandmother gave her. On the way out of the bus the necklace fell and rebounded against the door making it fly the opposite direction of the group. Panicking Sarah scrambled along and chased after it, when she got it she realised that her group was nowhere in sight.

Remembering that they were meant to be going into a rundown alley way she picked the closet one figuring that they couldn’t of went far.
As she got deeper and deeper into the alley she began to thought she must of chose the wrong one but then she heard voices and hoped it was the group, it turned out to be young man who was getting mugged. Sarah tossed the nearest trash can at the mugger and he fled. Offering the young man up to his feet but the man refused the offer and started to walk away. The young man seemed to look hungry so she quickly got out her packed lunch and offered it to the young man; he snatched it from her hands. After a couple of bites he slowly sat down and so did Sarah, when he finished the sandwich Sarah finally built up the nerve to ask “why he was out on the street?”. The young man cleared his throat and explained that when he was young he was in the car his mother and father and he yelled out that his bear fell out of the window and his father got distracted and crashed, only him and his mother survived with broken bones. His mother became an alcoholic and beat him time to time and blamed him for his father’s death, he had enough one night and ran away from home. The young man ended his story by telling Sarah he has never told anyone else that part of his life and it felt good to let it out.

Sarah was so touched by the young man but was interrupted by a phone call from her teacher. Miss Collins was raging with furry about her ditching the group and demanded her to come back to the bus immediately. Sarah ending the call with an awkward look while the young man gave her a warm smile, just gave her great pain.

Knowing that she couldn’t make Miss Collins wait longer she told the young man she had to go but he dropped that warm smile of his. Sarah feeling even worse for leaving him she took off her necklace and passed it to the young man into his hands and gave her blessing to pawn it off for food and water. As she was leaving she finally noticed that she didn’t know his name, asking out for his name he returned with a smile, James Ronald and Sarah continued on walking out of the alley.

As she was leaving the alley, the same mugger from before jumps out with a knife and says in a croaky voice “I don’t like getting with trash cans missy”. Sarah being petrified in fear the mugger took his free hit but as he was about to stab her, James got in the way of the knife and plunged into in the back of his chest. James whispers in Sarah’s ear “I could never pawn away something of yours” and passes her necklace back into her hands. The mugger said with a smirk “I guess your boyfriend can take your place” and ran off.

Miss Collins came into the alley with a furious look but turned into confusion and sadness when she saw Sarah in tears, covered in James’s blood. Miss Collins rang the police and ambulance to take away the body, they asked Sarah if she knew his name, she looked down onto her necklace and said “his name was James Ronald”.

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